Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Paraphrase and thoughts on I Cor. 13

It really doesn’t matter if I can speak all the languages of earth and even tongues. If I don’t really love others, I am only a noise maker, as undesirable to hear as kettle lids being banged together. I can have all kinds of wise insights and understand God’s secret plans, yes and even possess all knowledge. I can be so faith-filled that I can move mountains, but if I don’t love others, it’s nothing. Even if I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my own body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

  • Love is patient and kind. Yet in my day to day dealings with the little one… How often do I become impatient? To be always gentle with them!

  • Love is not jealous - Do I desire the recognition or blessings of others? Does it rankle me when things are unequal?

  •  Or boastful - Do I quietly go about serving my Maker? Or do I ever seek recognition for my accomplishments, etc?

  •  Or proud - Pride…so sneaky…so easy to fall into the trap of self focus and self seeking! Even my supposed humility can be so prideful!

  •  Or rude - this one makes me think of that day when the phone didn’t hang up when I thought  it had, and I was in the middle of scolding my little one when a voice on the other end asked if I was finished…. Yes, if you are reading this, you know who you are and remember! I blushed and hung up without even answering. I was mortified… yet, my little ones here me speak like this and I don’t even think is it loving?

  • It does not demand its own way - do I?

  • It is not irritable - oooh! Ouch! Yes, I confess I do get irritated much to quickly…those daily irritations, the constant questions of toddlers, the foolish prattle….

  • It keeps no record of being wronged… (you always do thus and so)

  • It does not rejoice in injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.

  • Love never gives up… those prayers that seem to go unanswered?

  •  Never loses faith… when days and weeks and years pass by?

  •  Is always hopeful… ALWAYS?!

  •  And endures through every circumstance… the long moments of every day with his love?

“Oh Jesus Christ who bore the bitter cross for me -
 Stretched out Thine arms in love and agony
Impart Thy love and fill, transform my heart - 
Til’ it breaths naught but love - the love Thou art!”

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. It is so right to the core of things. And then- the closing thought - He bore it all for me!
    Thanks again for a word picture reminder. The days get hard- the prayers go unanswered but I can wait and love and pray. Love you sweetie.
