Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cardboard Gingerbread House

 Did you know that the box the presents come in can be just as much fun as the gifts themselves? Grandma's box of sparkly gifts arrive in this box and Christy asked me to make her a house. When I started to cut it, I suddenly saw some fun potential and we got out the paint and glue. This is what we created.

Here is a note from Johnny to Grandma - "Our dear Grandma,  We love you. This gingerbread house is neat! We are excited to open the packages. Thank you for sending them! I think that the little one might be money!"

And this one is from Christy -"I love you. I want to open my package all day long soon! But I want to wait til Christmas. We made a house from your box. I like it."

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