Thursday, December 26, 2013

"Dairy-Free" Cheesecake!

Okay, so, as long as I'm breastfeeding I'm officially abstaining from dairy and gluten. For one who grew up dairy intolerant, that isn't so terrible, but it just so happens to cut out my favorite dessert - Mocha Cheesecake! It's the holidays, and every single party or gathering I go to is well stocked with every sweet treat imaginable - all of them loaded with dairy, gluten (and of course sugar and calories). Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that I can't eat them, because then I'm not packing on the pounds either, but I finally got so hungry for my favorite, that I decided to see what I could do about it.
The results? Quite satisfactory! So in case there is another Mocha Cheesecake lover out there, living in self denial, I'll share the recipe with you!

In my case, my little guy handles me eating a bit of goat milk, so that is the yogurt I used, but I think one could easily substitute soy, almond or other dairy free yogurt, only maybe the flavor would be a little less authentic. And by the way - I got the yogurt and cashew butter on sale at a discount grocers! Score!

Here's the filling. For a crust - simply use a graham cracker crust recipe with gluten free cookie crumbs if desired - and butter substitute like earth balance:

In saucepan over low heat
2 tsp instant coffee dissolved in 2 tsp of hot water
1/4 cup of honey(this can be adjusted to desired sweetness and could be another sweetener)
1/2 cup coconut oil
2/3 cup semi sweet chocolate chips (I use Kirkland brand because they are dairy free)
2 Tb dark cocoa powder

Stir till melted and then add:

2/3 cup raw cashew butter

Mix well and add:

1 1/3 c. plain goat milk yogurt

Pour over crust and chill until set up - I chilled mine overnight.

Mmmm!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I didn't realize there was a source of dairy-free chocolate chips. It was also interesting that your blog finally gave me commenting options!
