Monday, December 22, 2014

Seek Him

Growing little ones... There's never a surplus of time. Sometimes in the middle of these crazy messy beautiful days I forget to see the beauty, forget to know the wonder of what I'm doing, and even forget to be purposeful about seeking Him. But always and again He gently brings me back to seek His heart again. He reminds me that this is my mission in my days - to know Him and to make Him known to my little ones. I may not often find the time to write here on this blog, but be assured, life is happening just the same.  It's just that some times though I miss you all and want to keep you in touch with our lives, there just isn't enough extra moments in my days. So if you want to know what's going on, write to me, call me, or better yet, come and visit.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Long, long time - no see or hear

Yes, I know, it's been... like - WAY TOO long since I've posted anything here. I could make excuses, but what good would that do? It certainly wouldn't help. So here I am, trying to catch up. A busy summer and still busy fall. But we actually get to head east next month for my sister's wedding! Cheers!
I'm starting school with John and Christy (mostly John, but Christy gets in on some too) and that takes up any extra time I didn't already have. Reading is coming along... slowly... sometimes I wish I was just more patient with the whole process! But they are learning.
Edward is a whole year old and almost two months more. You can see some pictures of our little sweetie here. He's walking, tumbling, climbing, trying to talk, and generally growing up too fast.

  I really need to get pictures of all of them and throw some up here...

It's hard to believe we are coming up on a whole year here in Wy. But it's true. Some of you should come and see us!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Today is Your Day

At first I thought I might just edit and repost a mother’s day blog post from another year… but I decided that Mother’s Day deserves it’s own post. Why? Well, because…

Because being a mother is so much more.
More complicated than you ever dreamed
More difficult than you ever expected
More fulfilling than any one could tell you
More, much more than I know how to put into words.

But I wrote the rest here - so go over and enjoy it  - Today is Your Day, Mother
 Yesterday was Darren's sister Grace's wedding. It's fun to celebrate with others on their special day when you are happily married! It brings back so many good memories! Here's a picture of my sweetie and I.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sharing My Blessing - Just what I needed to hear

 This is part of an article that came in my email today from The Better Mom
It really blessed me, so I'm sharing it with you.

How Much Me Time?

How much “me-time” do we really need? In our heart of hearts, what do we really want from this season of life, and how can we get that?

I’ve thought about this a lot...

I had a vision in my heart of this mother I wanted to be – the perfect mother. She gives relentlessly, puts her own needs aside, loses herself for her little ones.

And often reality slaps me in the face. I have a pounding headache, and I’m just not sure I can read one. more. story or break up one. more. fight.

Motherhood asks too much of me.

I need a break. I deserve a break. Right?? I deserve it.

As I struggle back and forth between needing rest and needing to help someone, between wanting to be a hero and wanting to be left alone, between laying down my life and having a life, here are a few conclusions I’ve come to:

Nothing we give up is ever wasted. How do I know? He said it. “Let us not become weary in doing good. For we will reap a harvest at the proper time if we do not give up.” (Galations)
It should feel uncomfortably hard. The best things in life are… A marathon. Losing weight. Gaining a degree. Raising a little one.
Jesus knows our needs, and He will meet our needs.  How do I know? He said it. “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.”
Moms do need rest, and relaxation, and rejuvenation, and freedom from stress. BUT THESE GIFTS COME FROM GOD. I’ve seen this in my own life, when I’ve left for “me time” and come back grumpy, self-centered, and more annoyed than when I left. God is the one who nourishes our souls. He gives these gifts to us.
Sounds good in theory, right? How in the world does this play out for a mom who has brown rice pellets all over the floor, whose back hurts and husband is late, and just. needs. a. break??

I’ll tell you. Tonight, I am the girl with the messes of rice and aching back.

And this weekend is a long-awaited women’s church retreat at the beach. I literally don’t remember longing for some event more since maybe my honeymoon, seven years ago. I need this break.

A few days ago, when a torrential flu-like bug was ravaging our house, it dawned on me: if everyone doesn’t get better, I won’t be going on this weekend.

It nearly crushed me. And for once, I found myself bringing these needs to the Lord. I told God how fried I was, but eventually conceded: Lord, wherever you want me to be, I’m there. Provide for me the strength I need to get through this season.

Sweet mama, when you are tired and spent beyond yourself, may you ask Him for rest, and may He give it. May your times in Target, and snuggling a magazine and a cup of coffee, special talks with your husband  – may these bolster your soul for the service. May you have eyes from the Lord to see what great harvest you reap from your days of work.

Friday, April 4, 2014

He Sees

Have any of you heard the little story of the carver in a huge cathedral who was asked why he bothered to spend so much time on the little bird he was carving high in the rafters? "No one will ever see it there." they told him. His reply? "God will."

Taking comfort in the thought that He sees. His promise to me today - The Lord is not unfaithful to forget your labour of love.
My little ones are sick right now. Nothing is going as planned - not even sleeping. I'm tired out and feeling a bit frazzled. I'm lonely being stuck in the house for two weeks without really seeing anyone. The weekend is here and I probably won't be able to go to church.
Then next weekend - guests....
But God sees. I choose to go on undaunted.
In due season I shall reap if I faint not.