Thursday, September 18, 2014

Long, long time - no see or hear

Yes, I know, it's been... like - WAY TOO long since I've posted anything here. I could make excuses, but what good would that do? It certainly wouldn't help. So here I am, trying to catch up. A busy summer and still busy fall. But we actually get to head east next month for my sister's wedding! Cheers!
I'm starting school with John and Christy (mostly John, but Christy gets in on some too) and that takes up any extra time I didn't already have. Reading is coming along... slowly... sometimes I wish I was just more patient with the whole process! But they are learning.
Edward is a whole year old and almost two months more. You can see some pictures of our little sweetie here. He's walking, tumbling, climbing, trying to talk, and generally growing up too fast.

  I really need to get pictures of all of them and throw some up here...

It's hard to believe we are coming up on a whole year here in Wy. But it's true. Some of you should come and see us!