Monday, February 28, 2011

Ready or Not?!

We talked to Val Yoder (the igo director) and they have immediate openings, if we are ready to jump and go. It starts in little over a month. There would be so much to get done between now and then.
Can we do it?  Is it crazy? Is it what God has for us now?

Pray for us as we pray about this. We need to make an immediate decision if we are going to do it.
Do we have the funds? Should we look at doing both terms this year, and save the airfare that it would cost to go again, or whether to just do one term, and start in August instead of April.  Can Darren take the time off work?

Then there are all the details of passports, visas and tickets to be taken care of. The children don't have theirs yet, and so one of the steps we are taking while we pray about this all, is to begin the process of getting them theirs.


We've been praying about missions together a lot, and are currently checking into the possibility of taking some training under the Institute for Global Opportunities.
There's a lot of questions with out answers for us right now concerning this.
One is - "Where are the funds going to come from?" The answer to that one will have to be God, because we really can't afford it on our own right now.
Also, we are waiting to talk to the directors about the details of when, etc. I feel like my head is spinning with thoughts and... well, I'm so thankful that God knows all the details!
Here's their website -

The Purpose of this Blog

I made this blog page for those who want to keep in touch with what is going on in our lives. I don't know just how much I will be posting here, but I hope it will inspire some of you to pray for us, and give us a way to keep in touch.
This is totally separate from our photography blog.
More here, later