Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Year of "Yes" - A Year of Rest

"2 Corinthians 1:20
For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."

I started this post weeks ago, but never got farther than changing the blog title and making a draft of this with the verse.. Actually, I was struck by the verse in the end of December and somewhere deep inside I knew I'd need to write this. I postponed it because I didn't know how to say what was resonating inside(I still don't so pardon my ramblings). But it's stuck with me. Day after day the thought returns.  It was after I had mentioned on Facebook that I wanted this year to be a my year of rest, that it struck me - My year of Rest comes through making it my year of "Yes" A Thousand "yes's" because like the verse I quoted above - all the promises of God find their yes in him - and I am crying out a resounding "Amen" to God for his glory.  I need this. I need the promises of God to find their "yes," and for my children to find their "yes" in me because I follow Christ... Yes. I do follow Christ. A halting, stumbling, failing following - but I follow in his steps. Here on my blog with the crazy long name ( I recount to you bits of this journey. Sometimes with a blush of shame - I realize how halting and faltering it is. And then I remember Abraham - father of many nations when the first child was yet to be. He was called the friend of God because he BELIEVED the promises. I too will believe the promises and find their 'yes' in Christ. Amen!? 
The marvel of it - that God can see past the mess of today and bless with the promise of tomorrow.

The wind here in WY is amazing. There are times it blows so hard that if you lean in, the wind itself will hold you up. But it comes in gusts. I was leaning against the wind the other day as I struggled my way into Walmart, and then it dropped, and I staggered sideways. Sometimes I stagger like this in the circumstances of life because I'm leaning on my own strength....
On Sunday, I took my little girlie out to the playground because she wanted so to swing. But the wind was so fierce that I sought shelter under a large outcropping rock. I found that the wind there was not nearly so daunting.  My God is like that. The gale of the days blows hard. If I lean into him, he is there. Rock solid, sheltering, unchanging, unmovable. I want to lean hard into him and find his strength and shelter enough to carry me through these days.

These days... days when I start at sunup and find at sundown that the place still looks like I've been playing all day. Days when I find my little girlie eating milk chocolate behind closed doors, and have barely gotten through that when the wails of wee one beckon. Days when my son drops his lunch all over the floor and I get up to clean it up, and drop my cup of smoothie and it shatters, splashing the wall and sofa 10 ft away... days when my patience and strength seem gone and I wonder "Can I do this?" "Can I even raise these children for the Lord?"  And then I realize that the answer is both no and "YES" I can't but then again, I can - for he has said "I will never leave you or forsake you" so I can boldly say, "The LORD is my helper." and "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength." 
I can't say it all today - so look for more of my ponderings on "YES" another time.

 And here's my little man - who is now 6 months old!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, Thanks so much for sharing this. Its very inspiring. I'm glad for a sister-in-law like you! Miss you! -Bethany
