Sunday, October 23, 2011

Change of Plans

The heart of man plans his way,
but the LORD establishes his steps. Prov. 16:9
    The last post, I mentioned that we were packing up for Cambodia. The Lord has changed our plans.
    On Tuesday afternoon as I was packing up the last few things and preparing for our trip, I was interrupted by a visitor. One of the other ladies had gotten a call that the men had had an accident. Darren was involved and was being taken to the hospital for xrays on his foot. I was relieved that it was simply a foot they were concerned about, because motorcycle accidents can be so bad!
    It turned out that they didn't find any break, but did remove the nail and put 12 stitches in, including some where the nail had been. He had a severe sprain and some burst blood vessels besides.
The amazing thing is that this injury was actually worse than the ones he got from his tumble down the falls! We measured that when we went back, and found that it was around 60 ft. from the top to were he landed! God is good!
    Now he is down recovering. The foot was very painful at first, but the pain is beginning to lessen.
    But of course that has meant a change of plans! We are thankful that we know - "All things work together for good to those that love him." We do love him, so we know he has some good thing for us through it all.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Testing and packing

Today was the final day for this term. We finished our testing for the day. Now to pack for our expedition to Cambodia! We leave on Wednesday, Lordwilling. I'm not exactly sure what the details of this trip will be. But we trust that He will go before us and set a path for our feet. Then it's one more term, one more trip, and we wrap up to come home! Continue to hold us in your prayers.

And here's a plane that Darren took a picture of the other day!
Nok(Bird) Airlines! For the birds?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lessons of the Heart

One of the things that God has been doing for me during our time here is giving me a peek into my heart and motives...It's not always as pretty as I wish. Sometimes I really don't like the things I see there. I see, at times an inordinate desire to please people... to fit in, and cut the grade...But that's not what God wants me to be seeking. I really want to live for him alone. I'm asking God work in my heart and to give me a heart of pure worship to him that simply delights to do His will and doesn't care so much what others think of me.
 I've started to think a lot about returning home, now that our time here is drawing towards a close. In two month we will be wrapping up here and preparing to come home. So, I think what it will mean to come back and try to readjust to "normal" life. I want to be all there, yet I also do not want to simply forget the lessons God has taught us here. 
We've talked some about what we will do. We want to plug in more in our church, but we are also thinking of trying to do some ministry in D.C. It's really not that far away, and there are people there from all over the world. God will need to continue to direct our steps... We're still praying about whether He wants us to make a sort of exploratory trip to northern India once we have enough funds. Or is he perhaps calling us to minister in the US, possibly among the many many ethnic minorities represented in our big cities? We don't feel that we have a clear direction as yet. Please keep praying for us.